Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Our First Anniversary

Sunday was our one year anniversary. We went to the Epcot Center and had a great time. Our year together has been wonderful!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Hillsboro Inlet - My First Video Attempt!

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This video isn't very exciting, but Hillsboro Inlet is a really pretty place about four miles from where we live. It's on the Intracoastal Waterway.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The drive from my home to my job in Miami takes about an hour and 15 minutes - on a good day. I take the turnpike for about 40 minutes, then get onto I-95 and get stuck in the middle of bumper to bumper traffic all the way into Miami. The other day the drive was a little extra aggravating, and when I pulled into the parking lot, I saw this bumper sticker on a car near mine. I had to laugh. All the way to work people are honking their horns, not letting anyone in front of them, and cutting each other off. Some days it takes a lot of effort not to get caught up in the 'get out of the way me first' mindset, though one day last week on my way home I did get caught up in it. A driver wanted to merge onto the Interstate in front of me, and I sped up instead of letting her in, but then I felt kind of guilty, so I let her in. Her window was down, and I thought, "why didn't she look over at me and say thanks, or at least give a wave to say thank-you. She didn't appreciate it. I shouldn't have even done that for her." Then I thought - Thank God He doesn't think that way about me when I 'forget' to show my appreciation!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Kids Keep it Real

Last night was Halloween. Only about ten kids came to our house, and one time six came in a group. One little boy about 7 said, "I don't like that kind of candy. I want Snickers." I ignored him, and he said it again only louder..."I want Snickers!!" When I was giving candy to the other kids he said "Why are you in a wheelchair." I didn't answer him because I was talking to one of the little girls, so he yelled it this time. I hope his mother has a lot of patience :) I don't care if kids ask me if I'm in a wheelchair because everybody wants to know, and kids are the only ones who aren't afraid to ask! One of my biggest pet peeves is when kids say hello to me when I'm out, and their parents pull them away. That only will make them have a fear of people with disabilities when they get older. Once I was in the mall, in Sears, and a little boy about three ran over to me with his arms wide open and hugged me. He acted like he knew me. His grandmother ran over and got him, but she was laughing. She didn't speak English, but I wondered if maybe the little boy had a relative in a wheelchair, because he just lit up when he saw me. It was the cutest thing. Several years ago I helped teach Sunday School to a class of five year olds. One little boy asked if he could sit on my lap and I said sure, and then I pushed my chair with him on my lap. He loved that. Then all the kids wanted to try it. But that one little boy took a special liking to me. One day he looked at me with big eyes and a concerned look on his face and said, "are you married?" I told him I wasn't and he got a huge smile on his face. I love the innocence and honesty of children.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

All God's Children

This morning I was listening to Joni Erickson Tada on my radio on my way to work. Joni is a well-known Christian author and speaker who sustained a very high level spinal cord injury from a diving accident in 1967. She was talking about the Joni and Friends Family Retreats Program for families who have children with disabilities. Many of the families who attend have children with Down's Syndrome. She spoke about how the children with Down's Syndrome are so full of life and how much fun they have at the retreats. She said it saddened her that doctors offer the option of abortion for unborn babies with Down's Syndrome.

I went online and read some articles about aborting unborn babies with Down's Syndrome. One article said "Noninvasive screening in early pregnancy reduces Down's births by 50 percent." The author of this article was proud of the fact that Down's Syndrome babies are being aborted! Another article said 90 percent of Down's babies in the U.S. are aborted - 90 percent!! People with Down's Syndrome should never be denied the right to life. And Down's Syndrome is only one of the many conditions for which abortion is an option. It's also an option for other birth defects. My husband has Spina Bifida. I know his mother wouldn't have ever considered abortion, but thank God that was not an option during the time he was born. Aborting these unborn babies is very scary and very sad. Why is it okay to put an early end to the lives of those who are seen as less than perfect? We must respect the sanctity of each and every life. I don't mean to judge women who choose to abort these unborn babies because they must be very confused and frightened, but I feel sad when I see people with Down's Syndrome and know that their lives are seen as insignificant because of their so-called imperfections.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Try Not To Be Worried

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I trust. Psalm 91:1-2
I have a habit of worrying, so this is a passage that reminds me that when I'm worried or stressed about something, I need to dwell in the 'secret place of the Most High.' It's comforting to know that we can bring all of our fears, anxieties, and problems to God. The 'secret place' is a place where we can find peace. It's the center, the heart, the intimacy, of our relationship with God. When we're connected to God, when we have that intimate relationship with Him, when difficult times come, God will be our fortress and our refuge. He will never leave us or forsake us. I once heard a pastor say that we are either going into a trial, we are in a trial, or we are coming out of a trial. Knowing God is with us, and trusting in Him, will help us remain 'stable and fixed.' I don't know what my future holds, but I know who holds my future.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bible Study Cat..and Andy

I found this picture online. This cat looks just like Andy except for the color of their noses!

Andy could learn a thing or to from him.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Our Surprise Guest

Last night I was using my laptop at the dining room table and my husband was watching TV. He called me to take a look out on the patio, and he was saying, hurry, hurry, and when I looked, there was a great big raccoon eating our cats' dinner! Fawn was peeking out at him from behind the washer, and Andy was just a couple feet away staring at him. We went out to the patio, and the raccoon ran over to where there used to be just a small tear in the screen - but was now a raccon size tear! He ran outside and turned around and poked his head inside at us. He looked really cute (at least I thought so), but my husband didn't find him quite as cute as I did. We were wondering how long that big tear was there and if we hadn't noticed it, because we keep the cats out on the patio at night, and lately in the morning they're famished and their dishes are spotlessly clean - not even a crumb. I think the raccoon has been coming in for a midnight snack for a while now. So last night we put down the hurricane shutters, and today we're looking for a screen repair person.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

My Talented Hubby

Our Trip to Lion Country Safari

God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25
My husband took these pictures while I was driving. The giraffes walked right up to our van.

Monday, October 1, 2007

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